Patient Participation Group

Newbury Street Patient Group

The Practice has a Patient Group. The group is called Newbury Street Patient Group and all patients of the Practice are automatically members of the group. Look out for details of NSPG activities on the notice board in the Practice and in the Patient Group Newsletter.

You can contact the NSPG by leaving a letter in an envelope at the Practice.

Click here for information about joining the NSPG

Click here for the aims of the NSPG

Current  NSPG Members:

  • Julie Mabberley  - Chair

  • Sandie Helm  - Secretary

  • Helen Carter  - Treasurer

  • Lisa Auchinvole

  • Bernard Connolly

  • Lyn Davis

  • Andrew Lewcock

  • Janet Parker

  • Rosemary Stickland

  • Tom Thacker

  • Becky Collins


Getting Your View

The group would like to contact patients on occasion by email and/or text so that they can obtain the views of the widest group of patients possible. We would like to obtain your email address and mobile phone number to do this. Please complete the Patient Contact Form to provide your consent for this.

You can also use this form to sign up for the newsletter updated direct to your inbox.

You can also contact the NSPG by leaving a letter in an envelope at the Practice or by emailing them using the email: